--- # filename in this repository: description glyma.Wm82.gnm2.div.Torkamaneh_Laroche_2019.NonSynSNPs.vcf.gz Original VCF file filtered to only Non-Synonymous SNPs based off the program SnpEff (SNPs indicated as having a HIGH or MODERATE effect). This File contains 315,993 SNP: positions. glyma.Wm82.gnm2.div.Torkamaneh_Laroche_2019.AccessionTable.txt.gz Table containing accession codes and information for the 1007 soybean accessions in the VCF: file. glyma.Wm82.gnm2.div.Torkamaneh_Laroche_2019.script.py.gz Script used to convert GmHapMap_GT text file to vcf: file. glyma.Wm82.gnm2.div.Torkamaneh_Laroche_2019.genotypes_by_gene.hmp.gz Genotypes found in all genes, in hapmap format, with addition of gene name in first column. Derived using: HaplotypeMiner glyma.Wm82.gnm2.div.Torkamaneh_Laroche_2019.haplotypes_by_gene.tsv.gz List of haplotype patterns found in all genes. Custom format. Derived using: HaplotypeMiner glyma.Wm82.gnm2.div.Torkamaneh_Laroche_2019.loss_of_function.xlsx.gz Spreadsheet of loss-of-function genotypes for all genes. Derived using: HaplotypeMiner