--- file_transformation: - This pseudomolecule assembly derives from files Wild_soybean_genome.fasta and Wild_soybean_scaffolds.fasta received from NRGene, via Babu Valliyodan, April 6, 2017. Superscaffolds and all remaining scaffolds > 20,000 bp were evaluated by marker placement and using synteny with two other Glycine genome assemblies (Williams 82 and Lee) to assemble them into pseudomolecules (and remaining unanchored scaffolds). - Pseudomolecules were generated, with gap spacers of 100 Ns, with the command - order_and_orient.pl -OR QC13/glyso.PI483463.gnm1.YJWS.order_orient.txt \ - -out QC13/glyso.PI483463.gnm1.YJWS.pchr_entire \ - -in 02_Gs_scaffs_ge20k_split_clean -reverse -spacer 100 -entire -v changes: - 2017-11-08: masked mitochondrial, chloroplast, and adaptor sequences, after checking for apparent true/biological insertions (by comparison with three other Glycine assemblies: Williams 82, Lee, and G. soja W05). The following assemblies were masked: - Gs.sc102 chloroplast - Gs.sc117 mitochondrial - Gs.sc126 mitochondrial - Gs.sc135 chloroplast - Gs.sc139 mitochondrial - Gs.sc216 adaptor:NGB00719.1 - Gs.sc25 adaptor:NGB00714.1 - Gs.sc430 mitochondrial - Gs.sc75 mitochondrial - Gs.sc83 mitochondrial - Gs.sc88 mitochondrial - 2017-11-15: changed filename from glyso.PI483463.gnm1.YJWS.fna to glyso.PI483463.gnm1.YJWS.genome_main.fna , which resulted in a new md5 hash - 2018-03-02 added MANIFEST files - 2018-03-02 prefixed pseudomolecules and scaffolds with "glyso.PI483463.gnm1." - 2019-05-10 Fixed prefixing on scaffolds in the .fna files. Prefixes had an extraneous ".Gs"; e.g. glyso.PI483463.gnm1.Gs.sc286 should have been glyso.PI483463.gnm1.sc286 - 2024-04-11 sbc: update synopsis to include JGI numbering