--- identifier: mixed.gwas.DiVittori_Bitocchi_2021 synopsis: "GWAS of pod dehiscence in Common bean, relative to the G19833 assembly 2." scientific_name: Phaseolus vulgaris taxid: 3885 scientific_name_abbrev: phavu genotype: - A BC4/F4 introgression line population, developed to fine-map pod indehiscence description: "In legumes, pod shattering occurs when mature pods dehisce along the sutures, and detachment of the valves promotes seed dispersal. In Phaseolus vulgaris (L)., the major locus qPD5.1-Pv for pod indehiscence was identified recently. We developed a BC4/F4 introgression line population and narrowed the major locus down to a 22.5 kb region. Here, gene expression and a parallel histological analysis of dehiscent and indehiscent pods identified an AtMYB26 orthologue as the best candidate for loss of pod shattering, on a genomic region ~11 kb downstream of the highest associated peak. Based on mapping and expression data, we propose early and fine up-regulation of PvMYB26 in dehiscent pods. Detailed histological analysis establishes that pod indehiscence is associated with the lack of a functional abscission layer in the ventral sheath, and that the key anatomical modifications associated with pod shattering in common bean occur early during pod development. We finally propose that loss of pod shattering in legumes resulted from histological convergent evolution and that it is the result of selection at orthologous loci." genotyping_platform: DiVittori_Bitocchi_2021 local_file_creation_date: "2021-12-09" publication_doi: 10.1093/jxb/eraa553 publication_title: "Pod indehiscence in common bean is associated with the fine regulation of PvMYB26" contributors: "Valerio Di Vittori, Elena Bitocchi, Monica Rodriguez, Saleh Alseekh, Elisa Bellucci, Laura Nanni, Tania Gioia, Stefania Marzario, Giuseppina Logozzo, Marzia Rossato, Concetta De Quattro, Maria L Murgia, Juan José Ferreira, Ana Campa, Chunming Xu, Fabio Fiorani, Arun Sampathkumar, Anja Fröhlich, Giovanna Attene, Massimo Delledonne, Björn Usadel, Alisdair R Fernie, Domenico Rau, Roberto Papa" data_curators: Scott Kalberer, Steven Cannon public_access_level: public license: Open citation: "Valerio Di Vittori, Elena Bitocchi, Monica Rodriguez, Saleh Alseekh, Elisa Bellucci, Laura Nanni, Tania Gioia, Stefania Marzario, Giuseppina Logozzo, Marzia Rossato, Concetta De Quattro, Maria L Murgia, Juan José Ferreira, Ana Campa, Chunming Xu, Fabio Fiorani, Arun Sampathkumar, Anja Fröhlich, Giovanna Attene, Massimo Delledonne, Björn Usadel, Alisdair R Fernie, Domenico Rau, Roberto Papa, Pod indehiscence in common bean is associated with the fine regulation of PvMYB26, Journal of Experimental Botany, Volume 72, Issue 5, 27 February 2021, Pages 1617–1633."