Soybean Breeders' Workshop

The Soybean Breeders Workshop is held annually in February in St. Louis, MO. Starting in 2010 copies of the presentations have been made available to the commnity. The links below allow downloading or viewing these PDFs.

2026 Soybean Breeders' Workshop (SBW2026)

When:February 16-18, 2026
Theme:Physiology and Breeding Innovations
Where:Hilton St. Louis Frontenac in St. Louis, Missouri

Soybean Breeders' Workshop Archive

Agenda and submitted Presentations

Agenda only; No submitted Presenations

Graduate Student Poster Winners



Committee and Workshop Reports

Soybean Germplasm Committee Meeting Minutes

Soybean Crop Genetics Committee Reports

All Crop Genetics Reports can be found at GRIN