Biennial Conference - Molecular & Cellular Biology of the Soybean

The Molecular & Cellular Biology of the Soybean conference is held biennially, each generally at a different venue.
This conference features cutting-edge research on topics including genetic and genomic changes driving soybean advancement, soybean pests and diseases, seed composition and nutrition, biotic interactions, functional genomics, genome structure and evolution, and more.

Soy2025:19th Biennial Conference on Molecular and Cellular Biology of Soybean


  • Affordable registration and lodging for students and researchers. Dormitory and hotel information can be found here
  • Call of abstracts submission for poster presentations (and speaking slots) will be open in late January 2025. Conference speakers will include researchers selected by organizers as well as speakers (at any career level) chosen from submitted poster abstracts, and 5-minute “lightning talk” by early-career speakers.

Past Biennial Conference Links