Career Awards Nomination Information

All nomination packets should be for a living individual and must include a nomination letter summaring why nominee is an outstanding candidate for the award and two letters of support (2 page max for each letter), with one letter from someone outside the soybean community. All nominations packets should also include nominee's CV (no more than 10 pages). Please indicate which award the nomination is for (Early Career, Mid-Career or Career Achievement). Email nomination packets to the chair of the SoyGEC no later than June 1st, the year of the Biennial Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Soybean Conference.

As the members of the Soybean Genomics Executive Committee (SoyGEC) will be reviewing the nomination packets, they are ineligible for any of the awards and cannot nominate or provide letters of support. Additionally, previous award winners are not eligible for the same award.

Mary Coker Joslin Early Career Award
Nominees demonstrate ability to establish strong research foundations in soybean molecular, cellular, genetic, genomic or breeding research (e.g. technological innovations, experimental techniques, publications, patents, germplasm releases, etc.), interact with multidisciplinary teams, demonstrate leadership, and participate in relevant professional societies. Nominees should be no more than 10 years from the granting of the doctoral degree as of the nomination deadline. Breaks in careers will be considered when addressing the time limit of this award.
Richard (Dick) Bernard Mid-Career Award
Nominees must have conducted outstanding science focused on soybean molecular, cellular, genetic, genomic, or breeding research with a demonstrated commitment to community service. Nominees should be more than 15 years from the granting of the doctoral degree as of the nomination deadline.
William J. Morse Career Achievement Award
Nominees must have conducted distinguished long-term research focused on soybean molecular, cellular, genetic, genomic science, or breeding with a distinguished commitment to national or international community leadership and service.