Parent : IA3023
Population : NAMzz
Pedigree : Dairyland DSR365 x Pioneer P9381
Maternal_x_Paternal_Cross : NA
F1_Seed_Source : Walt Fehr - Iowa State Univ.
    Stem_Type : I
    Flower_Color : W
    Pubescence_Color : Lt
    Pod_Color : Tn
    Seed_Coat_Luster : D
    Seed_Coat_Color : Y
    Hilum_Color : Bl
Mid-season Mid-season
Mid-season field image of NAM line IA3023. Late-season field image of NAM line IA3023.
 Click for full-size image  Click for full-size image

Population Phenotype Data

Replicated trials were used to measure yield, maturity, plant height,... for the NAM Parents and RILs.

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