Genetic trait terms and categories for soybean

The traits below have been used in soybean GWAS and/or QTL studies.
Click on a "GWAS" or "QTL" link to populate a query in the Trait Association Search page.

    Canopy wilt     - QTL       Flooding yield index     - QTL       R/V photo-thermal sensitivity     - QTL  
    Drought index     - QTL       Leaf Damage     - QTL       Salt tolerance     - QTL  
    Drought tolerance     - QTL       mqCanopy wilt     - QTL           -     -
    Flood tolerance     - QTL       Plant damage     - QTL           -     -

    Row spacing response     - QTL       Stem diameter   GWAS   QTL       Stem weight     - QTL  
    Shoot fresh to dry weight ratio     - QTL       Stem length     - QTL       Total growth duration     - QTL  
    Shoot length     - QTL       Stem shape   GWAS       -     Trailing growth     - QTL  
    Shoot weight     - QTL       Stem strength     - QTL       Vegetative period     - QTL  
    Sprout yield     - QTL       Stem termination type   GWAS       -     WUE     - QTL  

Agronomic Other
    Hilum color   GWAS       -     P aquisition efficiency     - QTL       Pod color     - QTL  
    Iron deficiency chlorosis   GWAS       -     P concentration     - QTL       Pubescence color   GWAS       -
    Leaflet chlorophyll   GWAS   QTL       P use efficiency     - QTL       Pubescence density     - QTL  
    Leaflet N     - QTL       Petiole color     - QTL       Pubescence length     - QTL  
    Leaflet P     - QTL       pH sensitivity     - QTL       Root P     - QTL  
    Net photosyn rate     - QTL       Plant P     - QTL       Shoot P     - QTL  

Agronomic Reproductive
    cqR8 Full maturity     - QTL       Photoperiod insensitivity     - QTL       Pods per node     - QTL  
    Days to flower   GWAS       -     Pod dehiscence     - QTL       R8 full maturity   GWAS       -
    First flower   GWAS   QTL       Pod maturity     - QTL       Reproductive period   GWAS   QTL  
    Flower color   GWAS   QTL       Pod number   GWAS   QTL       Reproductive period photo-thermal sensitivity     - QTL  
    Flower form     - QTL       Pod shattering   GWAS       -     Reproductive stage length   GWAS   QTL  
    Flower number     - QTL       Pod weight     - QTL       Reproductive to vegetative period ratio     - QTL  

Agronomic Root
    Lateral root size     - QTL       Root area development     - QTL       Root morphology     - QTL  
    Node number   GWAS   QTL       Root density     - QTL       Root nodule number     - QTL  
    Nodule number     - QTL       Root diameter     - QTL       Root nodule weight     - QTL  
    Nodule size     - QTL       Root diameter change     - QTL       Root to Shoot weight ratio     - QTL  
    Nodule weight     - QTL       Root length     - QTL       Root volume     - QTL  
    Nodule weight per plant     - QTL       Root length development     - QTL       Root weight     - QTL  
    Root area     - QTL       Root length plus Rhizobia     - QTL       Root width     - QTL  

Agronomic Structure
    Branch number   GWAS       -     Internode length   GWAS   QTL       Lodging   GWAS   QTL  
    Branching     - QTL       Leaflet area   GWAS   QTL       mqPlant height     - QTL  
    Canopy height     - QTL       Leaflet ash     - QTL       Plant height   GWAS   QTL  
    Canopy width   GWAS   QTL       Leaflet length   GWAS   QTL       Plant height to Lodging ratio     - QTL  
    Hypocotyl length     - QTL       Leaflet shape   GWAS   QTL       Plant weight     - QTL  
    Hypocotyl weight     - QTL       Leaflet weight     - QTL           -     -
    Interbranch length   GWAS       -     Leaflet width   GWAS   QTL           -     -

    Asian Soybean Rust     - QTL       Japanese beetle resistance     - QTL       SCN   GWAS   QTL  
    Bean pyralid     - QTL       Jav root-knot nematode     - QTL       SDS     - QTL  
    BSR     - QTL       Necrosis     - QTL       SDS disease incidence     - QTL  
    Common cutworm     - QTL       Peanut root-knot nematode     - QTL       SDS disease index     - QTL  
    Corn earworm     - QTL       Phomopsis seed decay     - QTL       SDS dry matter retention   GWAS       -
    cqSCN     - QTL       Phytoph     - QTL       SDS root retention   GWAS       -
    cqSDS     - QTL       Pod borer     - QTL       Southern root-knot nematode     - QTL  
    Foxglove aphid     - QTL       Rag     - QTL       Soybean mosaic virus   GWAS   QTL  
    Fusarium lesion length     - QTL       Rhizoc root and hypocot rota     - QTL       Tobacco ring spot virus     - QTL  
    Fusarium root rot     - QTL       Rhizoc root and hypocot rotb     - QTL       Tobacco ringspot virus   GWAS       -
    Indo soy dwarf virus     - QTL       Sclero   GWAS   QTL           -     -

    Acid detergent fiber     - QTL       Chlorophyll flourescence ETo/TRo     - QTL       Leaflet trigonelline     - QTL  
    Acid phosphatase activity     - QTL       Chlorophyll flourescence PIabs     - QTL       Neutral detergent fiber     - QTL  
    Al tolerance     - QTL       Chlorophyll flourescence REo/Eto     - QTL       Somatic emb per explant     - QTL  
    Carbon isotope discrimination     - QTL       Chlorophyll flourescence TRo/ABS     - QTL       Somatic embryogen effic     - QTL  
    Cellwall polysacch composition     - QTL       Chlorosis     - QTL       Somatic embryogenesis     - QTL  
    Chlorimuron sensitivity     - QTL       Fe effic     - QTL           -     -
    Chlorophyll flourescence ABS/RC     - QTL       Leaf carotenoid content   GWAS       -         -     -

Seed Agronomy
    Seed abortion     - QTL       Seed N at R7     - QTL       Seed winter hardiness     - QTL  
    Seed N at R5     - QTL       Seed set   GWAS   QTL           -     -
    Seed N at R6     - QTL       Seed viability     - QTL           -     -

Seed Composition
    cqSeed agglutinin     - QTL       Seed daidzein     - QTL       Seed oil   GWAS   QTL  
    cqSeed oil     - QTL       Seed fucose     - QTL       Seed oil to protein ratio   GWAS   QTL  
    cqSeed phytate     - QTL       Seed galactose     - QTL       Seed oleic     - QTL  
    cqSeed protein     - QTL       Seed genistein     - QTL       Seed oligosaccharide     - QTL  
    Crude fat     - QTL       Seed Glu     - QTL       Seed palmitic     - QTL  
    Crude protein     - QTL       Seed glucose     - QTL       Seed palmitic plus stearic     - QTL  
    mqSeed oil     - QTL       Seed Gly     - QTL       Seed pectin     - QTL  
    Seed acidic fraction     - QTL       Seed glycinin     - QTL       Seed Phe     - QTL  
    Seed agglutinin     - QTL       Seed glycinin plus beta-conglycinin     - QTL       Seed phytate     - QTL  
    Seed Ala     - QTL       Seed glycinin to beta-conglycinin ratio     - QTL       Seed Pro     - QTL  
    Seed alpha-linolenic acid   GWAS       -     Seed glycitein     - QTL       Seed protein   GWAS   QTL  
    Seed amino acids   GWAS       -     Seed His     - QTL       Seed Ser     - QTL  
    Seed anthocyanin content     - QTL       Seed Ile     - QTL       Seed starch     - QTL  
    Seed antioxidant content     - QTL       Seed isoflavone   GWAS   QTL       Seed stearic   GWAS   QTL  
    Seed arabinose plus galactose     - QTL       Seed Leu     - QTL       Seed sucrose     - QTL  
    Seed Arg     - QTL       Seed linoleic     - QTL       Seed Thr     - QTL  
    Seed Asp     - QTL       Seed linolenic     - QTL       Seed tocopherol     - QTL  
    Seed basic fraction     - QTL       Seed long-chain fatty acid   GWAS       -     Seed total isoflavone     - QTL  
    Seed cadmium     - QTL       Seed Lys     - QTL       Seed Trp     - QTL  
    Seed calcium     - QTL       Seed Met     - QTL       Seed Tyr     - QTL  
    Seed conglycinin     - QTL       Seed Met plus Cys     - QTL       Seed Val     - QTL  
    Seed Cys     - QTL       Seed nickel     - QTL           -     -

Seed Structure
    Seed coat color   GWAS   QTL       Seed height   GWAS   QTL       Seed volume   GWAS   QTL  
    Seed coat cracking     - QTL       Seed height to width ratio     - QTL       Seed weight   GWAS   QTL  
    Seed coat hardness     - QTL       Seed length     - QTL       Seed width     - QTL  
    Seed coat luster   GWAS       -     Seed length to height ratio     - QTL       Seed width to height ratio   GWAS       -
    Seed fill     - QTL       Seed length to thickness ratio   GWAS   QTL       Seed width to thickness ratio     - QTL  
    Seed fragrance     - QTL       Seed length to width ratio     - QTL           -     -
    Seed hardness     - QTL       Seed thickness   GWAS   QTL           -     -

Seed Yield
    cqSeed weight     - QTL       Seed yield   GWAS   QTL       Total seed number   GWAS       -
    cqSeed yield     - QTL       Seed yield to Plant height ratio     - QTL           -     -
    Seed number     - QTL       Seed yield to weight ratio     - QTL           -     -
    Seed weight per plant     - QTL       Seeds per plant   GWAS   QTL           -     -