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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

Reference Report for IND20392337
Title:Interactions among the soybean looper (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), threecornered alfalfa hopper (Homoptera: Membracidae), stem canker, and red crown rot in soybean.
Authors:Padgett, G.B., Russin, J.S., Snow, J.P., Boethel, D.J., Berggren, G.T.
Source:J. Entomol. Sci. 1994, 29(1):110-119
Abstract:Field experiments were carried out in Louisiana in 1988-90 to determine the effects of defoliation by Pseudoplusia includens [Chrysodeixis includens] or basal stem girdling by Spissistilus festinus on soyabean stem canker (Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora) severity, and the effects of defoliation by P. includens on red crown rot (Calonectria crotalariae) incidence. Compared with ungirdled plants, stem canker severity was increased while stem length, stem diameter and yield were reduced for girdled plants. Stem canker severity, number of perithecia, yield, stem length and stem diameter were reduced on defoliated soyabean, compared with undefoliated soyabean. Red crown rot incidence, perithecial production, and yields were reduced on defoliated soyabean compared with undefoliated soyabean. This suggests that different types of insect injury may either increase or decrease the severity of soyabean diseases

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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