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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

Reference Report for SoyBase112001740
Title:Genetic Analysis of Resistance to Soybean mosaic virus in OX670 and Harosoy Soybean
Authors:Gunduz, I., Buss, G.R., Ma, G., Chen, P., Tolin, S.A.
Source:Crop Sci. 2001, 41(6):1785-1791
Abstract:Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) resistance in the soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] breeding line OX670 previously was postulated to be controlled by a gene derived from the cultivar Raiden and designated as Rsv2. Subsequently, it was shown that Raiden has a single resistance gene at the Rsv1 locus, suggesting that the resistance gene in OX670 was not from Raiden. Most of the remaining ancestry of OX670 is derived from ‘Harosoy’. The objectives of this study were to determine (i) the reaction of Harosoy to SMV-G1 through G7 strains; (ii) the inheritance of SMV resistance in Harosoy and OX670; and (iii) the allelomorphic relationship of resistance genes in these cultivars with previously described resistance genes. OX670 and Harosoy were crossed with the SMV susceptible cultivar Lee 68 to study the inheritance of resistance. OX670 and Harosoy were also crossed with the resistant lines L78-379, L88-8431, PI96983, L29, and V94-5152 to elucidate the allelomorphic relationships between the genes in OX670, Harosoy, and previously reported genes. Our results indicated that Harosoy, which is resistant to SMV-G5 through G7 and susceptible to SMV-G1 through G4, possesses a single partially dominant SMV resistance gene at the Rsv3 locus. Inheritance studies indicated that OX670, which is resistant to SMV-G1 through G7, possesses two independent dominant genes for SMV resistance. One is allelic to the Rsv1 locus and derived from Raiden, while the other is allelic to the Rsv3 locus and derived from Harosoy. Presence of both Rsv1 and Rsv3 in OX670 confers resistance to SMV-G1 through G7. Therefore, the previously proposed Rsv2 locus does not appear to exist in OX670 or its ancestors.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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