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Reference Report for ccmv_ref2
Title:Identification and specific infectivity of a soybean strain of cowpea chlorotic mottle virus
Authors:Kuhn, C.W.
Source:Phytopahol. 1968, 58(10):1441-1442
Abstract:A virus isolaled from mottled soyabean plants at Experiment, Ga, resembled cowpea chlorotic motile virus [44, 300] in hosl range, serology, UV speclrophotomelric ratios, and sedimentation properties in sucrose. Differences in host-virus interaction in soyabean included a delay in symptom appearance, the production of syslemic necrosis in resistant vars., and the synthesis of more virus nucleoprotein by the new isolate, which is designated as a distinct str., OCMV-S.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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