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Integrating Genetics and Genomics to Advance Soybean Research

Root area, medium 1-1
Parent 1:JD12
Parent 2:NF58
Intervals associated:Satt286-Satt289
Interval length:10.59
Trait name:Root surface area, medium

SourceAccession Number
Plant OntologyPO:0009005

Root nodule number
Root nodule weight, dry
Root nodule number, big
Root nodule number, small + Rhizobia
Root length
Root length, + Rhizobia
Root length, fine
Root length, fine + Rhizobia
Root length, medium
Root length, coarse
Root area
Root area, fine - Rhizobia
Root area, fine + Rhizobia
Root area, coarse
Root volume
Root volume, fine
Root volume, fine + Rhizobia
Root volume, medium
Root volume, coarse
Root weight, dry
Shoot weight, dry


Shi et al. 2018aIdentification of a major quantitative trait locus underlying salt tolerance in ÔJidou 12Õ soybean cultivar 
BMC Research Notes 2018, 11:95

GmComposite2003_C2 C2101.75112.34See this QTL region in Sequence Browser

Satt286Parent_1Shallow roots
Satt286Parent_2Deep roots

F9:11 RIL

JD12Shallow roots
NF58Deep roots


QTL IciMapping V4.1

The trait measured was the total surface area of all the medium roots. Calculated by image analysis.

Funded by the USDA-ARS. Developed by the USDA-ARS SoyBase and Legume Clade Database group at the Iowa State University, Ames, IA
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