The soybean parentage information below was partially gleaned from the Uniform Soybean Tests for the Southern and Northern regions as well as other sources such as USDA technical bulletins, variety registrations and PVP applications. The strains that appear here were part of the uniform trials and not the preliminary trials. The pedigree of individual strains was followed back to named strains in both maternal and paternal lineages where possible. An unknown parent is indicated with "-". When available, PVP registration numbers are noted, as are synonyms for the strains - including the PI number for lines deposited at GRIN. Check for additional information about PI lines at the GRIN search page.
Strain names are prefixed with a code that identifies the program that produced them. The code is usually the first two letters in the strain name followed by the year it was released as a two digit number. See code prefixes and descriptions here.
Pedigrees are represented in column 4. To give an example: CS31 has parents S10 (maternal) and Mitchell (paternal). The pedigree string ( S10 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) can be read as: CS31 is progeny of S10 and Mitchell; and Mitchell is progeny of Amsoy and Wayne.
The information below is also available for
- for example,
if you wish to filter on pedigrees that contain an accession of interest.
We welcome submissions by the community of new or updated pedigree information.
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data submission spreadsheet.
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Individual | Female Parent | Male Parent | Pedigree | Synonyms | Notes |
IA1006 | IA2008 | Kenwood | ( IA2008 ( BSR_101 , A80-244003 ( Northrup_King_S1492 ( Corsoy , Wayne ) , Pella ) ) , Kenwood ) | - | - |
IA1022 | Dairyland_98822 | A00-711024 | ( Dairyland_98822 , A00-711024 ( A95-485020 , IA2036 ( Jack , A86-301024 ( A81-356022 ( Century , A76-304020 ) , Hack ) ) ) ) | - | - |
IA1026HO | IA1026 | - | ( IA1026 , - ) | - | - |
IA1028HO | IA1026 | - | ( IA1026 , - ) | - | - |
IA2007 | Pride_B152 | A80-244003 | ( Pride_B152 , A80-244003 ( Northrup_King_S1492 ( Corsoy , Wayne ) , Pella ) ) | - | - |
IA2008 | BSR_101 | A80-244003 | ( BSR_101 , A80-244003 ( Northrup_King_S1492 ( Corsoy , Wayne ) , Pella ) ) | - | - |
IA2036 | Jack | A86-301024 | ( Jack , A86-301024 ( A81-356022 ( Century , A76-304020 ) , Hack ) ) | - | - |
IA2068 | Jack | A86-301024 | ( Jack , A86-301024 ( A81-356022 ( Century , A76-304020 ) , Hack ) ) | - | - |
IA2076LF | IA2076_ | IA1010LF | ( IA2076_ , IA1010LF ) | - | - |
IA2102 | A04-545045 | AgriPro_AP98180-A01-0613 | ( A04-545045 ( Pioneer_93B86 , A00-711022 ) , AgriPro_AP98180-A01-0613 ) | - | - |
IA2103_ | IA3027_ | Soygenetics_F40412C | ( IA3027_ , Soygenetics_F40412C ) | A09-760043 | - |
IA2104 | IA3027 | Soygenetics_F40412C | ( IA3027 , Soygenetics_F40412C ) | A09-760044 | - |
IA2104HS | IA2104 | - | ( IA2104 ( IA3027 , Soygenetics_F40412C ) , - ) | - | - |
IA3023 | Dairyland_DSR365 | Pioneer_P9381 | ( Dairyland_DSR365 , Pioneer_P9381 ) | - | - |
IA3024 | A97-553017 | Pioneer_YB33A99 | ( A97-553017 , Pioneer_YB33A99 ) | - | - |
IA3042 | T-3211 | A15025B011 | ( T-3211 , A15025B011 ) | A05-213034 | - |
IA3045 | IA3027 | IA2053 | ( IA3027 , IA2053 ) | A07-425058 | - |
IA3048 | Dairyland_99540 | IA2068 | ( Dairyland_99540 , IA2068 ( Jack , A86-301024 ( A81-356022 ( Century , A76-304020 ) , Hack ) ) ) | - | - |
IA3050 | Dairyland_98820-33 | IA3024 | ( Dairyland_98820-33 , IA3024 ( A97-553017 , Pioneer_YB33A99 ) ) | A07-523044 | - |
IA4005 | IA3023 | IA3025 | ( IA3023 ( Dairyland_DSR365 , Pioneer_P9381 ) , IA3025 ) | - | - |
IRV_Ex4731 | Amsoy | Wayne | ( Amsoy , Wayne ) | - | - |
IVR_4311 | Hack | Wayne | ( Hack , Wayne ) | - | - |
IVR_4731 | Amsoy | Wayne | ( Amsoy , Wayne ) | - | - |
IVR_Ex4426 | Amsoy | Wayne | ( Amsoy , Wayne ) | - | - |
IVR_Ex4428 | Corsoy | Wayne | ( Corsoy , Wayne ) | - | - |
IVR_Ex4731 | Amsoy | Wayne | ( Amsoy , Wayne ) | - | - |
IX93 | A71-555-8-1 | L61-344 | ( A71-555-8-1 , L61-344 ) | - | - |
IX93-100 | A71-555-8-1 | L61-344 | ( A71-555-8-1 , L61-344 ) | - | - |
Ike | Wayne | PI_54608-1 | ( Wayne , PI_54608-1 ) | PI 556524 | V. R. Seeds, Inc., PVP 7700081 |
Illini | A.K. | - | ( A.K. , - ) | PI 548348, A.K. 3 | Selection from A.K. ca. 1920 |
Illini_sel. | Illini | - | ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) , - ) | - | Selection from Illini |
Ina | Jack | Hartwig | ( Jack , Hartwig ) | - | - |
Iyo | Landrace | - | ( Landrace , - ) | - | - |