The soybean parentage information below was partially gleaned from the Uniform Soybean Tests for the Southern and Northern regions as well as other sources such as USDA technical bulletins, variety registrations and PVP applications. The strains that appear here were part of the uniform trials and not the preliminary trials. The pedigree of individual strains was followed back to named strains in both maternal and paternal lineages where possible. An unknown parent is indicated with "-". When available, PVP registration numbers are noted, as are synonyms for the strains - including the PI number for lines deposited at GRIN. Check for additional information about PI lines at the GRIN search page.
Strain names are prefixed with a code that identifies the program that produced them. The code is usually the first two letters in the strain name followed by the year it was released as a two digit number. See code prefixes and descriptions here.
Pedigrees are represented in column 4. To give an example: CS31 has parents S10 (maternal) and Mitchell (paternal). The pedigree string ( S10 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) can be read as: CS31 is progeny of S10 and Mitchell; and Mitchell is progeny of Amsoy and Wayne.
The information below is also available for
- for example,
if you wish to filter on pedigrees that contain an accession of interest.
We welcome submissions by the community of new or updated pedigree information.
Please use this
data submission spreadsheet.
Browse or search accessions beginning with ...
Individual | Female Parent | Male Parent | Pedigree | Synonyms | Notes |
T00038H005 | Asgrow_A3834 | Pioneer_P93B82 | ( Asgrow_A3834 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) | - | - |
T00539H117 | Syngenta_S42-60 | Pioneer_P9492 | ( Syngenta_S42-60 , Pioneer_P9492 ) | - | - |
T117 | AK114 | PI_65394 | ( AK114 ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) , - ) , PI_65394 ) | PI 548169 | from AK |
T135 | Illini | - | ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) , - ) | PI 548172 | y9 mutant of Illini |
T180 | Lincoln | Richland | ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Richland ) | - | F3 sib of T181, F3 sib of T181 |
T201 | T181 | T180 | ( T181 , T180 ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Richland ) ) | - | - |
T204 | T136 | T122 | ( T136 , T122 ) | PI 548195, L48-101 | - |
T208 | PI_196176 | - | ( PI_196176 , - ) | PI 548197, 2300-2 | Selection from PI 196176 |
T43 | Medium_Green | Glaborous | ( Medium_Green , Glaborous ) | PI 548161 | - |
T48 | Manchu | Ebony | ( Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) , Ebony ) | - | - |
T70-4 | Bragg | PI_200492 | ( Bragg , PI_200492 ) | - | - |
TCHM06-M-204 | Holladay | - | ( Holladay , - ) | - | Late maturing mutant in Holladay |
TCHM06-Morph-204 | Holladay | - | ( Holladay , - ) | - | Selection from Holladay |
TCPR96-1213 | Young | Tanbaguro | ( Young , Tanbaguro ) | - | - |
TCPR96-1215 | Young | Tanbaguro | ( Young , Tanbaguro ) | - | - |
TCWN05/06-5045 | Cook | SC97-1821 | ( Cook , SC97-1821 ) | - | - |
TCWN05/06-5050 | Cook | SC97-1821 | ( Cook , SC97-1821 ) | - | - |
TCWN05/06-5165 | Cook | SC97-1821 | ( Cook , SC97-1821 ) | - | - |
TCWN05X06-5045 | Cook | SC97-1821 | ( Cook , SC97-1821 ) | - | RESISTANT TO MN DEF |
TCWN05X06-5050 | Cook | SC97-1821 | ( Cook , SC97-1821 ) | - | RESISTANT TO MN DEF |
TCWN05X06-5165 | Cook | SC97-1821 | ( Cook , SC97-1821 ) | - | PART RESISTANT TO MN DEF |
TETABIATE | Hill | Lee | ( Hill , Lee ) | NULL | NULL |
TN-5601T | 5601T | - | ( 5601T ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) , - ) | - | Selection from 5601T |
TN-EXW2-051 | Essex | Williams_82 | ( Essex , Williams_82 ) | - | - |
TN-EXW2-111 | Essex | Williams_82 | ( Essex , Williams_82 ) | - | - |
TN-EXW2-141 | Essex | Williams_82 | ( Essex , Williams_82 ) | - | - |
TN00-60 | MD92-5769 | Fillmore | ( MD92-5769 , Fillmore ) | - | - |
TN01-032 | Caviness | Anand | ( Caviness , Anand ) | - | - |
TN01-056 | TN93-88 | MD_4900 | ( TN93-88 ( TN85-55 ( TN77-46 ( Forrest , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , Fayette ) , TN82-268 ) , MD_4900 ) | - | - |
TN02-169 | Fowler | MD94-5396 | ( Fowler , MD94-5396 ( Ripley , Clifford ) ) | - | - |
TN02-205 | TN94-213 | MD94-5396 | ( TN94-213 ( S85-1009 ( Bedford , Essex ) , Hutcheson ) , MD94-5396 ( Ripley , Clifford ) ) | - | - |
TN02-225 | Fowler | Anand | ( Fowler , Anand ) | - | - |
TN02-226 | Fowler | Anand | ( Fowler , Anand ) | - | - |
TN02-275 | Fowler | Anand | ( Fowler , Anand ) | - | - |
TN02-283 | Fowler | Anand | ( Fowler , Anand ) | - | - |
TN03-217 | N94-7440 | MFS-553 | ( N94-7440 ( NTCPR90-143 ( GaSoy17 , Vance ) , Pearl ( G80-1515 ( Pickett_71 , Bedford ) , Vance ) ) , MFS-553 ( Essex , Camp ) ) | - | - |
TN03-234 | Terral_TV5797 | TN4-94 | ( Terral_TV5797 ( TN5-85 , DPL_415 ( Essex , DPX_436 ( Pickett_71 , York ) ) ) , TN4-94 ( TN4-86 , TN84-87 ( V75-345 ( Essex , Shore ) , S76-2229 ( Forrest , V71-480 ( V63-76 ( Hill , D53-354 ( D49-2525 ( S-100 ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) , - ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ( S-100 ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) , - ) ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) ( A.K. , - ) , - ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) , L46-5679 ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Richland ) ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Richland ) ) ) , V66-318 ( D53-184 ( D49-2525 ( S-100 ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) , - ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) , L46-5679 ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Richland ) ) , J22 ( L37-1355 ( PI_81041 , - ) , Arksoy_2913 ( Arksoy ( PI_35335 , - ) , - ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) | - | - |
TN03-235 | Terral_TV5797 | TN4-94_ | ( Terral_TV5797 ( TN5-85 , DPL_415 ( Essex , DPX_436 ( Pickett_71 , York ) ) ) , TN4-94_ ) | - | - |
TN03-349 | TN93-99 | PI_416937 | ( TN93-99 , PI_416937 ) | - | - |
TN04-089 | 5601T | TN99-368 | ( 5601T ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) , TN99-368 ) | - | - |
TN04-124 | 5601T | S94-1867 | ( 5601T ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) , S94-1867 ( Pioneer_P9592 , S91-1693 ) ) | - | - |
TN04-5321 | Prolina | TN93-99 | ( Prolina , TN93-99 ) | - | - |
TN05-3027 | LG01-3733 | LG97-9301 | ( LG01-3733 ( Rend , LG97-9301 ( LG89-7793 ( PI_391594 , Century ) , LG88-8958 ( PI_253665D , PI_283331 ) ) ( LG89-7793 ( PI_391594 , Century ) ( PI_391594 , Century ) , LG88-8958 ( PI_253665D , PI_283331 ) ( PI_253665D , PI_283331 ) ) ) , LG97-9301 ( LG89-7793 ( PI_391594 , Century ) , LG88-8958 ( PI_253665D , PI_283331 ) ) ( LG89-7793 ( PI_391594 , Century ) ( PI_391594 , Century ) , LG88-8958 ( PI_253665D , PI_283331 ) ( PI_253665D , PI_283331 ) ) ) | - | = F3:5 Rend |
TN05-4008 | LG01-1745 | HS93-4118 | ( LG01-1745 , HS93-4118 ( IA2007 ( Pride_B152 , A80-244003 ( Northrup_King_S1492 ( Corsoy , Wayne ) , Pella ) ) , Dairyland_DSR304 ( Williams , - ) ) ) | - | = F3:5 LG97-9015 |
TN05-4034 | N98-4445 | S99-4074 | ( N98-4445 , S99-4074 ) | - | - |
TN05-5109 | S97-1688 | CX1834-1-2 | ( S97-1688 ( S91-1381 ( Hartz_H5370 , Hartwig ) , Hartz_H5810 ) , CX1834-1-2 ( Athow , M153-1-4-6-14 ( CX1515-4 ( CRS3-998-24-1 , C1813 ( C1655 ( Hobbit , Century ) , Pella_86 ) ) , - ) ) ) | - | - |
TN05-5118 | 560T | CX1834-1-2 | ( 560T , CX1834-1-2 ( Athow , M153-1-4-6-14 ( CX1515-4 ( CRS3-998-24-1 , C1813 ( C1655 ( Hobbit , Century ) , Pella_86 ) ) , - ) ) ) | - | - |
TN06-181 | 5601T | S97-1688 | ( 5601T ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) , S97-1688 ( S91-1381 ( Hartz_H5370 , Hartwig ) , Hartz_H5810 ) ) | - | - |
TN07-621 | TN02-302 | U98-307917 | ( TN02-302 , U98-307917 ( U94-2306 ( Holt ( Sherman , Harper ) , Dairyland_DSR304 ( Williams , - ) ) , A92-525014 ( IA2008 ( BSR_101 , A80-244003 ( Northrup_King_S1492 ( Corsoy , Wayne ) , Pella ) ) , Kenwood ) ) ) | - | - |
TN07-694 | TN02-204 | TN02-303 | ( TN02-204 , TN02-303 ) | - | - |
TN07-700 | LS97-1610 | TN02-225 | ( LS97-1610 ( S90-1435 , Manokin ) , TN02-225 ( Fowler , Anand ) ) | - | - |
TN07-754 | 5601T | 5002T | ( 5601T ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) , 5002T ) | - | - |
TN08-098 | TN99-117 | MD96-5722 | ( TN99-117 ( N92-189 ( AU82-211 ( N73-693 ( D68-216 ( Dyer , Bragg ) , Ransom ) , F76-8757 ) , N85-578 ) , V90-1012 ) , MD96-5722 ( KS4694 ( Sherman , Toano ( Ware , Essex ) ) , Corsica ) ) | - | - |
TN08-100 | 5601T | PI_417088 | ( 5601T ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) , PI_417088 ) | - | - |
TN08-101 | 5601T | PI_417088 | ( 5601T ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) , PI_417088 ) | - | - |
TN08-106 | TN02-303 | S98-1375 | ( TN02-303 , S98-1375 ( N90-516 ( Hutcheson , N83-1014 ( GaSoy_17 ( Bragg , Hood ) , N77-940 ( N70-1540 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , Centennial ) ) ) , S92-1666 ( Hartz_H5164 , Hartwig ) ) ) | - | - |
TN08-109 | TN02-303 | S98-1375 | ( TN02-303 , S98-1375 ( N90-516 ( Hutcheson , N83-1014 ( GaSoy_17 ( Bragg , Hood ) , N77-940 ( N70-1540 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , Centennial ) ) ) , S92-1666 ( Hartz_H5164 , Hartwig ) ) ) | - | - |
TN08-113 | TN02-303 | S98-1375 | ( TN02-303 , S98-1375 ( N90-516 ( Hutcheson , N83-1014 ( GaSoy_17 ( Bragg , Hood ) , N77-940 ( N70-1540 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , Centennial ) ) ) , S92-1666 ( Hartz_H5164 , Hartwig ) ) ) | - | - |
TN08-114 | TN02-303 | S98-1375 | ( TN02-303 , S98-1375 ( N90-516 ( Hutcheson , N83-1014 ( GaSoy_17 ( Bragg , Hood ) , N77-940 ( N70-1540 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , Centennial ) ) ) , S92-1666 ( Hartz_H5164 , Hartwig ) ) ) | - | - |
TN08-118 | TN02-224 | N99-510 | ( TN02-224 , N99-510 ( N92-32 ( N85-492 ( N77-179 ( N70-1549 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) ( PI_71659 , - ) ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ( PI_23211 , - ) ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , N72-3213 ( D67-B5 ( D62-7816 , Lee ) , N64-2451 ) ) , Johnston ) , PI_43832B ) , K1309 ( K1133 ( V75-345 ( Essex , Shore ) , S76-2120 ( D67-3297 , Essex ) ) , N83-375 ( N76-098 ( N70-1741 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , Essex ) , N76-683 ( N70-1501 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , N70-2173 ( Hampton ( Majos ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , Yelredo ( Mammoth_Yellow , Laredo ) ) , Lee ) , Ransom ) ) ) ) ) ) | - | - |
TN09-004 | Fowler | Anand | ( Fowler , Anand ) | - | - |
TN09-016 | Fowler | Anand | ( Fowler , Anand ) | - | - |
TN09-029 | Fowler | Anand | ( Fowler , Anand ) | - | - |
TN09-168 | MD00-5326 | HC99-2846 | ( MD00-5326 ( KY91-11114 ( Asgrow_A3935 ( M0474C ( Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) , - ) , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ( Williams , Essex ) ) , KY84-1616 ( K1044 ( Tracy , Williams ) , Williams ) ) , Croton_3.9 ( HC80-1944 ( L73U-632 ( Miller_67 , L66L-140 ( Wayne , L57-0034 ( Clark , Adams ) ) ) , Elf ) , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) , HC99-2846 ( DPL_3478 , Stressland ) ) | - | - |
TN09-193 | TN02-302 | U98-307917 | ( TN02-302 , U98-307917 ( U94-2306 ( Holt ( Sherman , Harper ) , Dairyland_DSR304 ( Williams , - ) ) , A92-525014 ( IA2008 ( BSR_101 , A80-244003 ( Northrup_King_S1492 ( Corsoy , Wayne ) , Pella ) ) , Kenwood ) ) ) | - | - |
TN09-242 | S98-1375 | TN02-225 | ( S98-1375 ( N90-516 ( Hutcheson , N83-1014 ( GaSoy_17 ( Bragg , Hood ) , N77-940 ( N70-1540 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , Centennial ) ) ) , S92-1666 ( Hartz_H5164 , Hartwig ) ) , TN02-225 ( Fowler , Anand ) ) | - | - |
TN09-44,420 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN09-45 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN09-45,368 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN09-45432 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN09-46 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN09-46551 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN09-46989 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN09-47 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN09-47,169 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN09-47,315 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN09-47169 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN09-48 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN09-48,012 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN09-48263 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN10-4037 | LG01-3733 | LG97-9301 | ( LG01-3733 ( Rend , LG97-9301 ( LG89-7793 ( PI_391594 , Century ) , LG88-8958 ( PI_253665D , PI_283331 ) ) ( LG89-7793 ( PI_391594 , Century ) ( PI_391594 , Century ) , LG88-8958 ( PI_253665D , PI_283331 ) ( PI_253665D , PI_283331 ) ) ) , LG97-9301 ( LG89-7793 ( PI_391594 , Century ) , LG88-8958 ( PI_253665D , PI_283331 ) ) ( LG89-7793 ( PI_391594 , Century ) ( PI_391594 , Century ) , LG88-8958 ( PI_253665D , PI_283331 ) ( PI_253665D , PI_283331 ) ) ) | - | 37.5% exotic pedigree |
TN10-4038 | Rend | LG97-9301 | ( Rend , LG97-9301 ( LG89-7793 ( PI_391594 , Century ) , LG88-8958 ( PI_253665D , PI_283331 ) ) ) | - | - |
TN11-3519 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN11-4502 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN11-4510 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN11-4513 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN11-4532 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN11-5037 | Holladay | Manokin | ( Holladay , Manokin ) | - | - |
TN11-5053 | Hutcheson | TN89-39 | ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) | - | - |
TN11-5062 | Holladay | Manokin | ( Holladay , Manokin ) | - | - |
TN11-5088 | Hutcheson | TN89-39 | ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) | - | - |
TN11-5104 | Hutcheson | TN89-39 | ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) | - | - |
TN11-5118 | Hutcheson | TN89-39 | ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) | - | - |
TN11-5140 | Hutcheson | TN89-39 | ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) | PI 685014 | Conv., High Protein |
TN11-5510 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN12-3002 | TN06-218 | K03-2897 | ( TN06-218 , K03-2897 ( K1454 ( KS4694 ( Sherman , Toano ( Ware , Essex ) ) , HS90-3487 ( HS84-6276 , Conrad ) ) , HS93-4118 ( IA2007 ( Pride_B152 , A80-244003 ( Northrup_King_S1492 ( Corsoy , Wayne ) , Pella ) ) , Dairyland_DSR304 ( Williams , - ) ) ) ) | - | - |
TN12-4061 | Rend | LG97-9301 | ( Rend , LG97-9301 ( LG89-7793 ( PI_391594 , Century ) , LG88-8958 ( PI_253665D , PI_283331 ) ) ) | - | - |
TN12-4090 | TN06-219 | IA3024 | ( TN06-219 , IA3024 ( A97-553017 , Pioneer_YB33A99 ) ) | - | - |
TN12-4712R2 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN12-5014 | 5601T | TN03-349 | ( 5601T ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) , TN03-349 ( TN93-99 , PI_416937 ) ) | - | - |
TN12-5015 | 5601T | TN03-349 | ( 5601T ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) , TN03-349 ( TN93-99 , PI_416937 ) ) | - | - |
TN12-5507R2 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN12-5508R2 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN12-5523R2 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | RR2 |
TN12-5712R2 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | RR2 |
TN12-5716 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN12-6509 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN13-4301 | Rend | LG97-9301 | ( Rend , LG97-9301 ( LG89-7793 ( PI_391594 , Century ) , LG88-8958 ( PI_253665D , PI_283331 ) ) ) | - | Conv., 37 % exotic |
TN13-4304 | AVRDC_AGS_292 | - | ( AVRDC_AGS_292 , - ) | - | Reselection from AVRDC AGS292, Conv., Meal Protein ? 48% |
TN13-4508R2 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN13-4710R2 | 5002T | TN09-46665 | ( 5002T , TN09-46665 ) | - | - |
TN13-5001 | S97-1688 | SB-01 | ( S97-1688 ( S91-1381 ( Hartz_H5370 , Hartwig ) , Hartz_H5810 ) , SB-01 ) | - | - |
TN13-5503R2 | 5002T | TN09-46665 | ( 5002T , TN09-46665 ) | - | - |
TN13-5508R2 | 5002T | TN09-46,665 | ( 5002T , TN09-46,665 ) | - | RR2 |
TN13-5531RR1 | TN01-294RR | LG98-1445 | ( TN01-294RR , LG98-1445 ( LG91-7431 ( LG84-1272 ( PI_227333 , PI_91730-1 ) , Elgin ) , Pioneer_P9273 ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) ) | - | RR1, 12.5 % exotic |
TN13-5538MON_RR | TN01-294RR | LG98-1445 | ( TN01-294RR , LG98-1445 ( LG91-7431 ( LG84-1272 ( PI_227333 , PI_91730-1 ) , Elgin ) , Pioneer_P9273 ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) ) | - | = 75T40 SP No.91. |
TN13-5539MON_RR | TN01-294RR | LG98-1445 | ( TN01-294RR , LG98-1445 ( LG91-7431 ( LG84-1272 ( PI_227333 , PI_91730-1 ) , Elgin ) , Pioneer_P9273 ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) ) | - | = 75T40 SP No.30. |
TN13-5723R2 | 5601T | TN09-45,497 | ( 5601T ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) , TN09-45,497 ) | - | - |
TN13-5741R2 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | - |
TN14-4001 | G03-3101 | LD00-2817P | ( G03-3101 ( Benning , Danbaekkong ) , LD00-2817P ) | - | - |
TN14-4402 | TN09-029 | TN10-4030 | ( TN09-029 ( Fowler , Anand ) , TN10-4030 ) | - | - |
TN14-4425 | Holladay | Manokin | ( Holladay , Manokin ) | - | - |
TN14-5021 | Caviness | Anand | ( Caviness , Anand ) | - | Conv. |
TN14-5035 | Caviness | Anand | ( Caviness , Anand ) | - | Conv. |
TN14-5542R2 | TN08-114 | TN09-48343 | ( TN08-114 ( TN02-303 , S98-1375 ( N90-516 ( Hutcheson , N83-1014 ( GaSoy_17 ( Bragg , Hood ) , N77-940 ( N70-1540 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , Centennial ) ) ) , S92-1666 ( Hartz_H5164 , Hartwig ) ) ) , TN09-48343 ) | - | RR2 |
TN15-4009 | TN09-016 | S05-11482 | ( TN09-016 ( Fowler , Anand ) , S05-11482 ( S99-2281 ( N90-516 ( Hutcheson , N83-1014 ( GaSoy_17 ( Bragg , Hood ) , N77-940 ( N70-1540 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , Centennial ) ) ) , S92-1069 ( Manokin , Hartwig ) ) , S00-9985-03 ( HY_574 , Anand ) ) ) | PI 691608 | Conv., GP-437 |
TN15-4011 | TN09-016 | S05-11482 | ( TN09-016 ( Fowler , Anand ) , S05-11482 ( S99-2281 ( N90-516 ( Hutcheson , N83-1014 ( GaSoy_17 ( Bragg , Hood ) , N77-940 ( N70-1540 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , Centennial ) ) ) , S92-1069 ( Manokin , Hartwig ) ) , S00-9985-03 ( HY_574 , Anand ) ) ) | - | Conv. |
TN15-4302 | OSAGE | TN10-4409 | ( OSAGE , TN10-4409 ) | - | Meal Protein ? 48%, Conv. |
TN15-4545 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | RR2 |
TN15-4546 | TN02-226 | MON_RR2Y | ( TN02-226 ( Fowler , Anand ) , MON_RR2Y ) | - | RR2 |
TN15-5008 | Osage | TN10-4409 | ( Osage , TN10-4409 ) | - | Meal Protein ? 48%, Conv. |
TN15-5012 | Osage | TN07-754 | ( Osage , TN07-754 ( 5601T ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) , 5002T ) ) | - | Conv., Meal Protein ? 48% |
TN15-5015 | TN09-016 | S05-11482 | ( TN09-016 ( Fowler , Anand ) , S05-11482 ( S99-2281 ( N90-516 ( Hutcheson , N83-1014 ( GaSoy_17 ( Bragg , Hood ) , N77-940 ( N70-1540 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , Centennial ) ) ) , S92-1069 ( Manokin , Hartwig ) ) , S00-9985-03 ( HY_574 , Anand ) ) ) | - | Conv |
TN15-5503 | TN09-46,128 | TN11-20133 | ( TN09-46,128 , TN11-20133 ) | - | RR2 |
TN16-5024 | TN09-008 | Ellis | ( TN09-008 , Ellis ) | - | - |
TN16-5027 | TN09-008 | Ellis | ( TN09-008 , Ellis ) | - | - |
TN17-4416 | S09-14175 | Ellis | ( S09-14175 ( S04-11681 , S04-12412 ) , Ellis ) | - | - |
TN18-4005 | S09-9943 | 13-531-261 | ( S09-9943 ( S04-10364 ( - , AgriPro_AP4882 ) , LG04-5196 ) , 13-531-261 ) | - | - |
TN18-4006 | S09-9943 | 13-531-261 | ( S09-9943 ( S04-10364 ( - , AgriPro_AP4882 ) , LG04-5196 ) , 13-531-261 ) | - | - |
TN18-4047 | NCC09-200719-1-37 | 2013-50,454 | ( NCC09-200719-1-37 , 2013-50,454 ) | - | - |
TN18-4049 | NCC09-200719-1-37 | 2013-50,454 | ( NCC09-200719-1-37 , 2013-50,454 ) | - | - |
TN18-4051 | NCC09-200719-1-37 | 2013-50,454 | ( NCC09-200719-1-37 , 2013-50,454 ) | - | - |
TN18-5001 | DB06x038-70 | HM11-W193 | ( DB06x038-70 ( DT98-9102 ( N90-516 ( Hutcheson , N83-1014 ( GaSoy_17 ( Bragg , Hood ) , N77-940 ( N70-1540 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , Centennial ) ) ) , Pioneer_P9592 ) , PI_594172 ) , HM11-W193 ( OHS_305 , OHS_303 ) ) | - | - |
TN19-4004 | LG11-6760 | TN15-4038 | ( LG11-6760 ( LG00-3372 ( PI_561319 , PI_574477 ) , LD00-3309 ( Maverick ( LN86-4668 ( Fayette , Hardin ) , Resnik ) , Dwight ) ) , TN15-4038 ) | - | - |
TN19-4012 | LG11-6760 | TN15-4038 | ( LG11-6760 ( LG00-3372 ( PI_561319 , PI_574477 ) , LD00-3309 ( Maverick ( LN86-4668 ( Fayette , Hardin ) , Resnik ) , Dwight ) ) , TN15-4038 ) | - | - |
TN19-4053 | TN11-5095 | HM11-W192 | ( TN11-5095 , HM11-W192 ( OHS_305 , OHS_303 ) ) | - | - |
TN19-4074 | TN14-4001 | TN14-4402 | ( TN14-4001 ( G03-3101 ( Benning , Danbaekkong ) , LD00-2817P ) , TN14-4402 ( TN09-029 ( Fowler , Anand ) , TN10-4030 ) ) | - | - |
TN19-4100 | TN09-008 | Ellis | ( TN09-008 , Ellis ) | - | - |
TN19-4101 | TN09-008 | Ellis | ( TN09-008 , Ellis ) | - | - |
TN19-4714R1 | S12-2418 | S12-8223 | ( S12-2418 ( S07-5117 ( HC99-2763 ( DPL_3478 , Stressland ) , S02-6143 ) , S08-18569 ) , S12-8223 ) | - | - |
TN19-4734R1 | S12-2336 | S12-8223 | ( S12-2336 , S12-8223 ) | - | - |
TN20-4043 | TN14-5017 | S11-17025 | ( TN14-5017 , S11-17025 ( S05-11268 ( S00-9925-10 ( K1393 ( KS5292 , Hutcheson ) , Anand ) , U98-311442 ( A94-773014 ( Pioneer_P9303 , A87-395012 ( Fayette , Asgrow_A3659 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) , Bell ) ) , S05-11482 ( S99-2281 ( N90-516 ( Hutcheson , N83-1014 ( GaSoy_17 ( Bragg , Hood ) , N77-940 ( N70-1540 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , Centennial ) ) ) , S92-1069 ( Manokin , Hartwig ) ) , S00-9985-03 ( HY_574 , Anand ) ) ) ) | - | - |
TN20-4050 | TN14-5017 | S11-17025 | ( TN14-5017 , S11-17025 ( S05-11268 ( S00-9925-10 ( K1393 ( KS5292 , Hutcheson ) , Anand ) , U98-311442 ( A94-773014 ( Pioneer_P9303 , A87-395012 ( Fayette , Asgrow_A3659 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) , Bell ) ) , S05-11482 ( S99-2281 ( N90-516 ( Hutcheson , N83-1014 ( GaSoy_17 ( Bragg , Hood ) , N77-940 ( N70-1540 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , Centennial ) ) ) , S92-1069 ( Manokin , Hartwig ) ) , S00-9985-03 ( HY_574 , Anand ) ) ) ) | - | - |
TN20-4051 | TN14-5017 | S11-17025 | ( TN14-5017 , S11-17025 ( S05-11268 ( S00-9925-10 ( K1393 ( KS5292 , Hutcheson ) , Anand ) , U98-311442 ( A94-773014 ( Pioneer_P9303 , A87-395012 ( Fayette , Asgrow_A3659 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) , Bell ) ) , S05-11482 ( S99-2281 ( N90-516 ( Hutcheson , N83-1014 ( GaSoy_17 ( Bragg , Hood ) , N77-940 ( N70-1540 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , Centennial ) ) ) , S92-1069 ( Manokin , Hartwig ) ) , S00-9985-03 ( HY_574 , Anand ) ) ) ) | - | - |
TN20-5036 | TN14-5017 | S11-17025 | ( TN14-5017 , S11-17025 ( S05-11268 ( S00-9925-10 ( K1393 ( KS5292 , Hutcheson ) , Anand ) , U98-311442 ( A94-773014 ( Pioneer_P9303 , A87-395012 ( Fayette , Asgrow_A3659 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) , Bell ) ) , S05-11482 ( S99-2281 ( N90-516 ( Hutcheson , N83-1014 ( GaSoy_17 ( Bragg , Hood ) , N77-940 ( N70-1540 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , Centennial ) ) ) , S92-1069 ( Manokin , Hartwig ) ) , S00-9985-03 ( HY_574 , Anand ) ) ) ) | - | - |
TN4-94 | TN4-86 | TN84-87 | ( TN4-86 , TN84-87 ( V75-345 ( Essex , Shore ) , S76-2229 ( Forrest , V71-480 ( V63-76 ( Hill , D53-354 ( D49-2525 ( S-100 ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) , - ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ( S-100 ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) , - ) ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) ( A.K. , - ) , - ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) , L46-5679 ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Richland ) ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Richland ) ) ) , V66-318 ( D53-184 ( D49-2525 ( S-100 ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) , - ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) , L46-5679 ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Richland ) ) , J22 ( L37-1355 ( PI_81041 , - ) , Arksoy_2913 ( Arksoy ( PI_35335 , - ) , - ) ) ) ) ) ) ) | - | - |
TN5-95 | Asgrow_A5474 | TN83-67 | ( Asgrow_A5474 , TN83-67 ( J74-45 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) ) | - | - |
TN56Cx-1273 | 5601T | TN09-239 | ( 5601T ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) , TN09-239 ) | - | low phytate; >50% protein meal |
TN76-32 | Jill | York | ( Jill , York ) | - | - |
TN77-111 | D68-127 | Essex | ( D68-127 ( Dyer , Bragg ) , Essex ) | - | Dwarf mutant of D68-127 |
TN77-46 | Forrest | Mitchell | ( Forrest , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) | - | - |
TN80-69 | Essex | J74-40 | ( Essex , J74-40 ) | - | - |
TN80-83 | Essex | J74-40 | ( Essex , J74-40 ) | - | - |
TN81-2 | Lee_74 | Mitchell | ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) | - | - |
TN83-167 | Lee_74 | TN76-32 | ( Lee_74 , TN76-32 ( Jill , York ) ) | - | - |
TN83-26 | J74-40 | K1017 | ( J74-40 , K1017 ( L66L-140 ( Wayne , L57-0034 ( Clark , Adams ) ) , Columbus ) ) | - | - |
TN83-67 | J74-45 | Mitchell | ( J74-45 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) | - | - |
TN83-7 | Bedford | Crawford | ( Bedford , Crawford ) | - | - |
TN84-87 | V75-345 | S76-2229 | ( V75-345 ( Essex , Shore ) , S76-2229 ( Forrest , V71-480 ( V63-76 ( Hill , D53-354 ( D49-2525 ( S-100 ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) , - ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ( S-100 ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) , - ) ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) ( A.K. , - ) , - ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) , L46-5679 ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Richland ) ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Richland ) ) ) , V66-318 ( D53-184 ( D49-2525 ( S-100 ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) , - ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) , L46-5679 ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Richland ) ) , J22 ( L37-1355 ( PI_81041 , - ) , Arksoy_2913 ( Arksoy ( PI_35335 , - ) , - ) ) ) ) ) ) | - | - |
TN85-157 | D72-8927 | TN80-83 | ( D72-8927 , TN80-83 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) | - | - |
TN85-55 | TN77-46 | Fayette | ( TN77-46 ( Forrest , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , Fayette ) | - | - |
TN87-198 | Asgrow_A5474 | V78-1355 | ( Asgrow_A5474 , V78-1355 ) | - | - |
TN88-87 | Asgrow_A5474 | TN83-167 | ( Asgrow_A5474 , TN83-167 ( Lee_74 , TN76-32 ( Jill , York ) ) ) | - | - |
TN89-39 | TN81-2 | TN80-69 | ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) | - | - |
TN90-03 | TN-86 | TN84-87 | ( TN-86 , TN84-87 ( V75-345 ( Essex , Shore ) , S76-2229 ( Forrest , V71-480 ( V63-76 ( Hill , D53-354 ( D49-2525 ( S-100 ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) , - ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ( S-100 ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) , - ) ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) ( A.K. , - ) , - ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) , L46-5679 ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Richland ) ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Richland ) ) ) , V66-318 ( D53-184 ( D49-2525 ( S-100 ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) , - ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) , L46-5679 ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Richland ) ) , J22 ( L37-1355 ( PI_81041 , - ) , Arksoy_2913 ( Arksoy ( PI_35335 , - ) , - ) ) ) ) ) ) ) | - | Released as TN4-94 |
TN90-91 | Stafford | TN82-94 | ( Stafford , TN82-94 ) | - | - |
TN91-07 | TN4-86 | TN83-22 | ( TN4-86 , TN83-22 ) | - | - |
TN91-220-53 | Hutcheson | TN5-85 | ( Hutcheson , TN5-85 ) | - | - |
TN91-55 | TN4-86 | TN83-67 | ( TN4-86 , TN83-67 ( J74-45 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) ) | - | - |
TN91SS-33 | Rocky | Vance | ( Rocky , Vance ) | - | - |
TN92-198 | Hutcheson | TN82-162 | ( Hutcheson , TN82-162 ) | - | - |
TN92-228 | V74-315 | TN82-94 | ( V74-315 , TN82-94 ) | - | - |
TN92-249 | D72-8927 | TN5-85 | ( D72-8927 , TN5-85 ) | - | - |
TN92-64 | TN4-86 | TN83-22 | ( TN4-86 , TN83-22 ) | - | - |
TN93-74 | TN84-21 | TN85-42 | ( TN84-21 , TN85-42 ) | - | - |
TN93-87 | TN85-55 | TN82-268 | ( TN85-55 ( TN77-46 ( Forrest , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , Fayette ) , TN82-268 ) | - | - |
TN93-88 | TN85-55 | TN82-268 | ( TN85-55 ( TN77-46 ( Forrest , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , Fayette ) , TN82-268 ) | - | - |
TN93-99RR | TN93-99 | - | ( TN93-99 , - ) | - | Deriviative of 1N93-99; US7777102, RR |
TN94-213 | S85-1009 | Hutcheson | ( S85-1009 ( Bedford , Essex ) , Hutcheson ) | - | - |
TN95-268 | Cordell | Hutcheson | ( Cordell ( Bedford , D72-8927 ) , Hutcheson ) | - | - |
TN95-53 | TN4-86 | Kunitz | ( TN4-86 , Kunitz ) | - | - |
TN95-95 | TN4-86 | Kunitz | ( TN4-86 , Kunitz ) | - | - |
TN96-115 | K1192 | Manokin | ( K1192 , Manokin ) | - | - |
TN96-192 | Hartwig | Manokin | ( Hartwig , Manokin ) | - | - |
TN96-63 | N85-578 | Manokin | ( N85-578 , Manokin ) | - | - |
TN96-64 | N85-578 | Manokin | ( N85-578 , Manokin ) | - | - |
TN96-84 | TN5-95 | Manokin | ( TN5-95 ( Asgrow_A5474 , TN83-67 ( J74-45 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) ) , Manokin ) | - | - |
TN97-02 | K1192 | N87-325 | ( K1192 , N87-325 ) | - | - |
TN97-134 | TN90-58 | Spencer | ( TN90-58 , Spencer ) | - | - |
TN97-167 | TN89-39 | Manokin | ( TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) , Manokin ) | - | - |
TN97-271 | N86-7687 | Hutcheson | ( N86-7687 ( N77-114 ( Essex , N70-2173 ( Hampton ( Majos ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , Yelredo ( Mammoth_Yellow , Laredo ) ) , Lee ) , Ransom ) ) , Pixie ) , Hutcheson ) | - | - |
TN98-149 | N87-325 | S88-1855 | ( N87-325 , S88-1855 ) | - | - |
TN98-170 | TN88-63 | TN5-92 | ( TN88-63 , TN5-92 ) | - | - |
TN98-219 | S85-1009 | TN5-92 | ( S85-1009 ( Bedford , Essex ) , TN5-92 ) | - | - |
TN98-228 | N86-7687 | Manokin | ( N86-7687 ( N77-114 ( Essex , N70-2173 ( Hampton ( Majos ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , Yelredo ( Mammoth_Yellow , Laredo ) ) , Lee ) , Ransom ) ) , Pixie ) , Manokin ) | - | - |
TN99-117 | N92-189 | V90-1012 | ( N92-189 ( AU82-211 ( N73-693 ( D68-216 ( Dyer , Bragg ) , Ransom ) , F76-8757 ) , N85-578 ) , V90-1012 ) | - | - |
TN99-184 | K1309 | V90-1012 | ( K1309 ( K1133 ( V75-345 ( Essex , Shore ) , S76-2120 ( D67-3297 , Essex ) ) , N83-375 ( N76-098 ( N70-1741 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , Essex ) , N76-683 ( N70-1501 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , N70-2173 ( Hampton ( Majos ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , Yelredo ( Mammoth_Yellow , Laredo ) ) , Lee ) , Ransom ) ) ) ) , V90-1012 ) | - | - |
TN99-186 | K1309 | V90-1012 | ( K1309 ( K1133 ( V75-345 ( Essex , Shore ) , S76-2120 ( D67-3297 , Essex ) ) , N83-375 ( N76-098 ( N70-1741 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , Essex ) , N76-683 ( N70-1501 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , N70-2173 ( Hampton ( Majos ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , Yelredo ( Mammoth_Yellow , Laredo ) ) , Lee ) , Ransom ) ) ) ) , V90-1012 ) | - | - |
TN99-191 | TN92-64 | TN93-55 | ( TN92-64 ( TN4-86 , TN83-22 ) , TN93-55 ) | - | - |
TSB88-1266 | Braxton | N77-889 | ( Braxton , N77-889 ( N70-1549 ( Dare , D65-6765 ( D58-3358 , D59-9289 ( D51-4877 ( Roanoke , N45-745 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ) , D55-4168 ( Ogden ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) ) ) ) , Centennial ) ) | - | - |
TSB90-302 | Dowling | Braxton | ( Dowling , Braxton ) | - | - |
TX12-06 | V99-1685 | R01-3474F | ( V99-1685 , R01-3474F ( Caviness , PI_594208 ) ) | - | - |
TX12-09 | V99-1685 | R01-3474F | ( V99-1685 , R01-3474F ( Caviness , PI_594208 ) ) | - | - |
TX12-10 | V99-1685 | R01-3474F | ( V99-1685 , R01-3474F ( Caviness , PI_594208 ) ) | - | - |
TX_74053 | TN94-213 | MD94-5396 | ( TN94-213 ( S85-1009 ( Bedford , Essex ) , Hutcheson ) , MD94-5396 ( Ripley , Clifford ) ) | - | - |
Tamahikari | Souga_Zairai | Chuu_Teppou | ( Souga_Zairai , Chuu_Teppou ) | - | - |
Tamanishike | Landrace | - | ( Landrace , - ) | - | - |
Tanner | Otootan | - | ( Otootan ( PI_548479 , - ) , - ) | - | Selection from Otootan |
Tennessee_Non_pop | Tokyo | PI_54610 | ( Tokyo ( PI_8424 , - ) , PI_54610 ) | - | Bulletin 1746 |
Terra-Vig_505 | Dare | R64-502 | ( Dare , R64-502 ) | PI 556697 | Terral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8200153 |
Terra-Vig_606 | Dare | D64-3937 | ( Dare , D64-3937 ( Hill , D59-1619 ) ) | PI 556612 | Terral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 8000163 |
Terra-Vig_708 | Coker_Hampton_266 | Bragg | ( Coker_Hampton_266 , Bragg ) | PI 556516 | Terral-Norris Seed Company, Inc., PVP 7605003 |
Terral_TV5797 | TN5-85 | DPL_415 | ( TN5-85 , DPL_415 ( Essex , DPX_436 ( Pickett_71 , York ) ) ) | TVX 9401 | - |
Thompson_7803 | Wells | Williams | ( Wells , Williams ) | - | - |
Thompson_T7803 | Wells | Williams | ( Wells , Williams ) | - | - |
Thompson_T8112 | Harwood | Williams | ( Harwood , Williams ) | - | - |
Titan | E86067 | Kenwood | ( E86067 ( A80-145015 , A79-135010 ( Pride_B216 ( Corsoy , Wayne ) , Cumberland ) ) , Kenwood ) | PI 608438 | - |
Toano | Ware | Essex | ( Ware , Essex ) | PI 508268, V75-183 | - |
Tokyo | PI_8424 | - | ( PI_8424 , - ) | PI 171454; Tokyo, Jp 1901 | - |
Traill | M82-996 | Sigco_KG20 | ( M82-996 ( M72-3 ( Evans , Hodgson ) , Peterson_1677 ) , Sigco_KG20 ( McCall , 2S11 ( 059-903 , Hardome ) ) ) | PI 596541, ND90-2624 | PVP 9700293 |
Tri-Valley_Charger | IVR_1120 | Calland | ( IVR_1120 , Calland ) | Trivalley Charger | Midwest Oilseeds Inc |
Tri-Valley_Charger_III | Mitchell | Cutler_71 | ( Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) , Cutler_71 ) | Trivalley Charger III | Midwest Oilseeds Inc |
Troll | Sprite_87 | HC80-1756 | ( Sprite_87 , HC80-1756 ( L73U-632 ( Miller_67 , L66L-140 ( Wayne , L57-0034 ( Clark , Adams ) ) ) , Elf ) ) | PI 614806 | - |
Ts70-4 | Bragg | PI_200492 | ( Bragg , PI_200492 ) | - | - |
Ts72-6 | Bragg | PI_200492 | ( Bragg , PI_200492 ) | - | - |
Ts72-824 | Bethel | Clark_63 | ( Bethel , Clark_63 ) | - | - |
Ts77-5 | D66-8556 | Ransom | ( D66-8556 ( Bragg , Semmes ) , Ransom ) | - | - |